Our performance - Scottish Parliament evidence session

17 May 2017 02:27 PM

The Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee heard evidence today on our priorities and performance as a public sector organisation. This is part of their scrutiny into the performance of NHS Boards.

We welcomed this opportunity to talk about what we’ve done to reduce health inequalities and improve health in a fairer way.

We highlighted our work to support national and local policy makers to design and evaluate interventions that help build a fairer, healthier Scotland. This includes work such as the Place Standard. This tool lets various agencies find those aspects of a place that need to be targeted to improve people’s health, wellbeing and quality of life. Agencies using the tool include

We also highlighted the importance of addressing the social determinants behind inequalities, such as income inequality and poor housing and the effectiveness of preventing health inequalities before they begin.

You can watch our evidence session on the Scottish Parliament TV website.

Go to Scottish Parliament TV 

You can find out more about our work on identifying cost effective actions on our website.