Parliament rejects “no deal Brexit”

26 Oct 2017 12:14 PM

Support for guaranteeing rights of EU citizens in the UK.

The Scottish Parliament has backed a call for the UK Government to stop a “no deal Brexit”, guaranteeing the rights of our fellow EU citizens in the UK without imposing charges and amending the EU Withdrawal Bill to respect devolution.

In a debate yesterday, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell updated Parliament on the latest developments on Brexit. This included the latest on EU negotiations and the outcomes of the recent Joint Ministerial Committee on EU Negotiations. He also spoke about the growing public support for Scotland to remain within the EU.

Mr Russell said:

“Scotland’s interests – and the interests of all who live and work here – would be best served by remaining in the EU, and if that is not possible, remaining within the Single Market and Customs Union.

“If there was a ‘no deal Brexit’, the consequences would go from dreadful to catastrophic. The economic, social and reputational damage such an outcome would inflict would be excessive and unwarranted. More and more people across business and in our communities are expressing their concern at the damage being done to our economy and public services.

“It is simply unacceptable that there is still so much uncertainty surrounding the rights of EU citizens in the UK. We urge the UK Government to reach agreement and give EU citizens here, and UK citizens in other EU countries, the certainty to which they are entitled.

“The Scottish Government cannot nor ever will support a no deal outcome and I am pleased the Scottish Parliament has now backed this position.”