Planning decision times published

25 Jul 2017 11:06 AM

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

Local Development decisions were quicker in 2016/17. The average decision time for Local Developments (26,986 applications) in 2016/17 was 9.2 weeks, four days quicker than the average of 9.7 weeks in the previous year and the quickest annual figure since the start of this data collection in 2012/13. Local housing applications were decided in an average of 12.7 weeks, one week quicker than the previous year (13.7 weeks). 

Major Development decisions were slower in 2016/17. The average decision time for Major Developments (246 applications) in 2016/17 was 37.0 weeks, six weeks slower than the average of 31.0 weeks in the previous year and the slowest annual figure since the start of this data collection in 2012/13. Major housing applications were decided in an average of 44.9 weeks, more than four weeks slower than the previous year (40.6 weeks).

For the year 2016/17 the overall rate of approvals for all types of application was 94.2% and the delegation rate was 95.3%. These are the highest rates over the past seven years.

Statistics on annual and quarterly planning performance in Scotland have been released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.

Click here for full press release