Q&A: Next Generation EU - Legal Construction

10 Jun 2020 04:17 PM

The proposed architecture of the exceptional financing is based on three pillars:

The major innovation, the borrowing for spending, is compliant with the Treaties.

1. Under the current circumstances, borrowing is a justified means to attain the Union's objectives

2. Borrowing must respect the principle of budgetary discipline. For that reason, provisions are needed in the Own Resources Decision

3. Allocation of the funds to Union spending programmes, Article 122 TFEU

Article 122 TFEU allows for targeted derogations from standard rules in exceptional crisis situations. On that basis, the Recovery Instrument will provide for the financing, by reference to the authorisation to borrow provided by the own resources decision, and will assign those funds to the various spending programmes, as so-called “external assigned revenues”, for the purposes of recovery and resilience. Article 21(5), Financial Regulation

The borrowed funds will remain additional to the annual budget. They will not be part of the MFF and of the annual budgetary procedure.

Such way to proceed for large amounts diverges from the standard practice for the establishment of the budget and financing of the Union point 1, requirement of principal financing of Union policies from own resources. It is justified as a temporary and exceptional solution in the context of the current crisis.

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