Reform of Fixed-term Parliaments Act must keep the Queen out of politics, says Committee

4 Sep 2020 02:46 PM

The Constitution Committee has published its 12th report of the session on the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011.


The Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 was introduced to set the length
of parliaments at five years and to require the approval of the House of Commons for any early general election. Both the Conservative and Labour parties promised to repeal the Act in their 2019 manifestos and the Government has reiterated that commitment since taking office.

Key findings

Key findings within the report include:

Chairs's comments

Baroness Taylor, Chair of the Committee, recently said:

"Since its introduction, the FTPA has proved controversial and in the eyes of the two main political parties it has been found wanting. Furthermore, there is insufficient evidence that fixing the term of parliaments has had practical benefits.

"However, repealing the Act without new provision is not feasible, as it is the only piece of legislation setting the length of a parliament. It is therefore paramount that any proposals to replace the FTPA leave no uncertainty about such an important constitutional matter".

Further information