Report: How spectrum policy can help to tackle climate change

21 Oct 2021 01:31 PM

A report by Plum Consulting, commissioned by the UK SPF, makes several recommendations to government including giving Ofcom environmental impact responsibilities

Policy makers must put green issues at the heart of their radio spectrum policies. This is the overarching theme of the recommendations that arose from a study by Plum Consulting for the UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UK SPF).

The report The role of spectrum policy in tackling the climate change issue, first examines the two-fold role played by the communications sector when it comes to climate change:

The report focuses on spectrum policies and shows that even if spectrum is not a major contributor to climate change when compared to IT issues (software, data centres) and consumer devices (e-waste and energy consumption), there are ways in which spectrum policies can have a significant positive environmental impact – although these have not yet been underpinned by quantitative data.

Recommendations in the report from Plum Consulting include:

The report underlines that, before considering how different spectrum policies may impact climate change, it is crucial to understand how any policies may be implemented. The National Infrastructure Commission recommended that Ofcom, Ofgem and Ofwat should have new duties to “promote the achievement of net zero by 2050 and improve resilience”. It is clear such a recommendation is needed if Ofcom is to be able to act on the issues raised in this report. Also, before committing to policy, governments must carry out a full regulatory impact assessment.

Click here for the full press release