School Estates Statistics

9 Sep 2019 12:39 PM

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

The proportion of schools reported as being in good or satisfactory condition has increased to 88.3% (86.6% in 2018). This is substantially higher than in April 2007 (61.1%).

The publication of ‘School Estates Statistics 2019’ by Scotland’s Chief Statistician also showed that the proportion of pupils educated in schools in “poor” or “bad” condition has decreased from 36.6% of all pupils (around 257,000) in 2007 to 10.3% of all pupils (around 71,000) in 2019.

Since 2007-08, 928 schools have been built or substantially refurbished (includes those with cost of at least £500,000 for primary and at least £1 million for secondary and special).


These statistics are sourced from the April 2019 ‘School Estates Core Facts Survey’.

Further school statistics are available within the School Education section of the Scottish Government website.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff in line with the standards of official statistics in Scotland.