Scotland's Marine Economic Statistics

10 Oct 2019 12:01 PM

An experimental statistics publication from the Scottish Government.

In 2017 the Scottish marine economy generated £5.2 billion Gross Value Added (GVA), up 18% from the 2016 value, and employed 74,500 people – down 2%. 

The statistics present a time series of GVA, turnover and employment for industrial categories defined as part of the marine economy.  The data is provided for 2008 to 2017. 

The statistics provide a detailed picture of trends and geographic distribution of the contributions of marine economic sectors.  They are largely based on data from the Scottish Annual Business Survey, supplemented by separate fishing and aquaculture data. The statistics found:

All of the statistics presented relate only to the direct economic contributions of the sectors to Scotland’s economy and not to the indirect contributions that arise from their wider supply chains. 

The report is based on regularly available, validated economic sources.  After the first edition users were consulted for their views on the content and format of the publication.  While they were broadly very happy with the publication, there were other sectors that contribute to the marine economy, such as offshore renewable energy, that they would have liked to see.  Marine Scotland is exploring how to include marine renewable energy and other industries in future publications.

The full statistical publication contains economic statistics on industries classified as part of the marine economy.  It helps to establish the value of the marine economy to Scotland.  Most of the staistics are sourced from the Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2017 published in June 2019, supplemented by Marine Scotland statistics on sea fisheries and aquaculture and the Seafish Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet

The figures released are classed as Experimental Statistics though they were produced in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.