Social Tenants in Scotland, 2016

13 Feb 2018 11:06 AM

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

Scotland’s Chief Statistician yesterday released Social Tenants in Scotland 2016, the second annual statistical compendium publication on social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland, covering topic areas such as stock, household characteristics, housing flows, and rents and income levels. The publication is based on an analysis of a range of existing data sources, and includes trend data for earlier years and comparisons with other housing tenures and with other parts of the UK where possible.

Key Points

Numbers Of Social Tenants And Social Housing Stock Provision:

Numbers of Social Tenants and Social Housing Stock Provision

Numbers of Social Tenants and Social Housing Stock Provision

Characteristics of Social Tenants:

Characteristics of Social Tenants-2

Characteristics of Social Tenants-2

Housing Flows:

Housing Flows-2

Housing Flows-2

Hosing Costs And Income:

Housing Costs and Income-2

Housing Costs and Income-2


The full statistical publication is available online.

This compendium publication presents an overview of social tenants and social rented housing in Scotland for the year 2016, and covers various topic areas such as stock, household characteristics, housing flows, and rents and income levels. It includes trend data for earlier years and comparisons with other housing tenures and with other parts of the UK.

It is based on an analysis of a range of existing Official Statistics data sources such as the Scottish Household Survey, the Family Resources Survey, and Scottish Government Housing Statistics collected from local authorities, along with figures (not Official Statistics) from the Scottish Housing Regulator Social Housing Charter Indicator Data.

The main users of this publication are likely to include those involved in social housing policy and practice, researchers, tenants, social landlords, and other individuals with an interest in social tenants and social rented housing. The publication also helps to fill the gap in information available about social housing tenants following the cessation of the Scottish Government SCORE data collection and publication on housing association new lets, which ran up to and including the year 2014/15. Further information about the cessation of the SCORE collection is available online.

Official statistics are produced in accordance with professional standards – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed online.