Sussex Police judged to be ‘good’ at recording crime

26 Aug 2016 12:00 PM

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has yesterday published an assessment on the accuracy of crime recording in Sussex Police.

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Sussex Police: Crime Data Integrity inspection 2016

Sussex Police’s approach to crime recording is judged by HMIC to be ‘good’, following improvements since HMIC’s 2014 Crime Data Integrity inspection.

HMIC found that the force records nearly 95 percent of crimes reported to it.

HMIC also found that the force has:

Despite these advances, the force still has progress to make to:

HM Inspector of Constabulary Zoë Billingham said:

“I am very pleased that Sussex Police has been graded as good in terms of the accuracy of their crime recording. The force has continued to make sound improvements following our 2014 inspection and we estimate that the force is now recording nearly 95 percent of all crimes reported to it accurately. We found strong leadership from senior officers with regard to crime-recording. We were also pleased to find that in every case involving rape that we looked at, the crime had been recorded properly.

“Although we have graded Sussex Police as good, there is still room for improvement. The force is still not recording a large number of crimes each year properly – approximately 5,300 crimes, including some serious crimes, such as violence and sexual offences. HMIC expects crimes to be recorded accurately and for victims to receive a good service from the police. If the crime is not recorded properly at the outset, then this will not happen.

“Although I will continue to monitor Sussex Police, I am very reassured by the good progress that the force has made in this vitally important aspect of policing.”

Get the report

Sussex Police: Crime Data Integrity inspection 2016

Notes to editors: