TUC: Unemployment rate over twice as high for BME workers than white workers

30 May 2023 01:57 PM

New TUC analysis finds BME workers are more likely to be unemployed than white workers

New analysis by the TUC published recently (Friday) reveals the unemployment rate for Black, minority and ethnic (BME) workers is currently more than double (2.2 times) that of white workers. 

Analysis of the most recent ONS labour market statistics – produced as the TUC’s Black workers’ conference London – reveals that the BME unemployment rate stood at 6.9% in 2022, compared to 3.2% for white workers.  

BME women hardest hit 

The analysis shows BME women face an even bigger penalty with an unemployment rate nearly three (2.9) times higher than white women. 

The unemployment rate for BME women is 8.1%, compared to 2.8% for white women. 

The TUC says the situation is worse now than in 2008 when the unemployment rate for BME women was 2.3 times higher than for white women. 

Government action needed 

The TUC is calling for an end to the structural discrimination and inequalities that hold BME people back at work. 

Click here for the full press release