The NHS Savile investigations

26 Feb 2015 09:49 AM

16 NHS investigation reports have been published, 15 into the activities of Jimmy Savile, and one in relation to Johnny Savile.

Four of these investigations relate to allegations received by the Trusts prior to June 2014, including at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. The remaining 12 investigations relate to allegations made after that point and were overseen by the Savile Legacy Unit.

44 reports have been published in total

There were 41 hospitals, (including 5 secure or mental health hospitals and 2 children’s hospitals.) In addition investigations have happened at a children’s convalescent home, an ambulance service and a hospice.

Other documents published:

Kate Lampard’s Lessons Learnt Report - this includes 14 recommendations for the NHS, the Department and wider Government.

Kate Lampard’s assurance letter – providing assurance of the 4 remaining investigations she has overseen, and following her full assurance report in June

The NHS Savile Legacy Unit Oversight Report - providing assurance of the 12 new investigations it has overseen