The National Archives joins the Climate Heritage Network

9 Nov 2020 03:39 PM

Today we publish our statement on Sustainability and Climate Action as we announce our membership of the Climate Heritage Network (CHN). 

 In 2019, legislation was passed committing the UK to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. We are supporting the government to reach this target with our sustainability activities stretching across multiple functions.   

 As the official archive of the UK government, we are responsible for preserving the nation’s heritage. We recognise the importance of climate and environmental stability for safeguarding our collections, and for the overall security of communities, cultural heritage and ecosystems across the world.  

 Jeff James, Chief Executive and Keeper at The National Archives, said: ‘Meeting the government’s target of being carbon neutral by 2050 is a priority. As well as reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, domestic air travel, water consumption and operational waste, we have adapted our grounds to create a welcoming environment for wildlife, established a popular bike loan scheme for staff and formed a Green Champions scheme to support staff in adopting a more sustainable culture.’ 

‘While we are proud of these achievements, we are not complacent about the need to continue to be ambitious about the targets we set ourselves. The challenges we experience in achieving this will also be felt to some degree, by archives and other heritage bodies worldwide.’  

‘Through sharing the resources and the knowledge of its members, the CHN offers an opportunity to resolve these common challenges at a greater scale than we could achieve at an individual or national level. We are, therefore delighted to have joined the network and look forward to working with the other members.’ 

CHN is an international, non-lobbying, voluntary network launched in October 2019. It promotes the concept that culture and heritage are assets for climate action. The network’s  members and supporters include arts, culture and heritage bodies, NGOs, universities and research organisations. Its action plan aims to provide an effective global partnership model for climate action. 

 Read our Sustainability and Climate Action statement here.

Learn more about the Climate Heritage Network here.