The UK in a Changing Europe - New report explains what trading on WTO terms means

27 May 2020 02:51 PM

If the UK Government fails to conclude a deal with the EU by the end of the year, the country will be trading with the bloc on WTO terms from 1 January 2021. 

Academic think tank The UK in a Changing Europe has updated its report, What would ‘trading on WTO terms’ mean? and have found:  

Professor Anand Menon, director of The UK in a Changing Europe, said: “A lot of people talk, sometimes flippantly, about the UK trading with the EU on WTO terms. Our report explains what this actually means. It outlines the substantial economic consequences which, are  highly significant given the economic challenges we’re already facing.”

Notes to editors

  1. To interview Professor Anand Menon, director of The UK in a Changing Europe, or any of the report authors, please contact Ben Miller communications manager at The UK in a Changing Europe on 020 7848 7174 or email 
  2. Katy Hayward, David Henig, Holger Hestermeyr, Emilija Leinarte, Sam Lowe, Steve Peers and Peter Ungphakorn worked on the first edition and Katy Hayward, Emilija Leinarte, Jonathan Portes, Peter Ungphakorn, Jill Rutter and Anand Menon contributed to this edition, which was put together by Catherine Barnard.
  3. Copies of the report What would ‘trading WTO terms’ mean? can be downloaded here, or you can request a copy by contacting Ben Miller.
  4. The UK in a Changing Europe promotes rigorous, high-quality and independent research into the complex and ever changing relationship between the UK and the EU. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is based at King's College London.