The Week, 18 October 2019

21 Oct 2019 01:21 PM

Blog posted by: Eleonora Harwich, 8 October 2019.

Reformer of The Week

Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP for being a champion of diversity in the development of technologies to make sure that they benefit everyone.   

Reactionary of The Week

The Government for avoiding yet again any long-term funding commitment on social care in the Queen’s Speech.

Quote of The Week

“We can only view this digital revolution as a true success if it is used to further the ideals, like freedom and equality, that we hold so dear.”

Rt Hon Nicky Morgan, Reform Women's Network dinner on Wednesday.

Good Week For


On Tuesday, Baroness Barran, Minister for Civil Society, launched a £2 million grant fund for organisations tackling loneliness which is on of the biggest public health challenge in the country.

Digital Therapy

Over 300,000 people are being treated through digital NHS therapy for mental health disorders. Reform’s paper earlier this year on the application of data driven technologies in mental healthcare provides an examination of the current landscape.

Bad Week For

Urgent And Emergency Services

The Care Quality Commission State of Care revealed that 52 per cent of A&E's are rated inadequate or requiring improvement.

Tackling Knife Crime

On Thursday, it was reported that in the 12 months to the end of June 2019, knife crime offences rose by 7 per cent.

Reform's Week

On Wednesday, Reform held our first Women’s Network Dinner, with Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, on the topic of ‘Making Technology Work for Everyone’. You can read her full keynote speech here. Reform was also featured in the Telegraph, where the article discussed Nicky Morgan's address on gender bias in technology and devices.

On Wednesday, Eleonora Harwich, Director of Research at Reform, spoke at a BMA conference on ‘How can we embrace AI and assistive techonolgies in a way that works for care staff and patients?’. She presented on the topic of 'Uptake and adoption of innovation in the NHS'.

On Wednesday, Eleonora Harwich, Director of Research at Reform, spoke at The King’s Fund event on ‘Emerging technologies: what does the future of health care look like’. She participated in a debate on 'AI in healthcare: How do we move from the research to practical application?'.

This week we published a policy Fact Sheet on DWP public sector estates on Reform's Public Spending microsite.