WWF responds to the triggering of Article 50

30 Mar 2017 10:05 AM

Trevor Hutchings, Director of Advocacy at WWF commented on the triggering of Article 50

“Now that the starting pistol has been fired, the UK Government must make sure that the environment is not left behind, and make good its promise to leave nature in a better state than it inherited it.

“Since the EU referendum result there has been little action from the UK Government on the environment with repeated delays to expected announcements - we are still waiting  for the promised 25 Year Environment Plan, the Water Bill, the Clean Growth Plan and the long awaited ivory ban.  The UK was a leading player in international climate negotiations and the first nation to adopt a domestic Climate Change Act but we are now in danger of slipping behind.  From the air we breathe to the soil we use and the water we drink, renegotiating our relationship with the rest of the EU must be used to create an even better natural environment.  The UK Government must seize this moment and make enhancing the environment  at home and abroad a top priority.”