Weekly COVID-19 surveillance report published

1 May 2020 09:58 AM

PHE will be publishing a new weekly COVID-19 epidemiology surveillance summary.

The latest Public Health England COVID-19 epidemiology surveillance summary published yesterday, Thursday 30 April 2020.

The report includes data from a variety of different sources: community, primary care, secondary care, virology and mortality surveillance data. Combined these sources show a wider community picture including a breakdown by age, gender, ethnicity and geography which will help plan the national response to the pandemic and assist regional stakeholders in local planning.

The surveillance summary is available here and each week’s report is accompanied by an infographic.

You can see a fuller explanation of some of the data sources and how and why we carry out this surveillance in our blog.

Previous updates

Thursday 23 April 2020

Public Health England will be publishing a COVID-19 epidemiology surveillance summary on a weekly basis at 2pm each Thursday.

The report includes data from a variety of different sources: community, primary care, secondary care, virology and mortality surveillance data. Combined these sources show a wider community picture including a breakdown by age, gender, and geography which will help plan the national response to the pandemic and assist regional stakeholders in local planning.

Disease surveillance is one of PHE’s core functions and involves gathering data from a range of sources to understand the areas and groups most affected by an outbreak, whether symptoms are getting more severe and when the outbreak might have peaked.

The surveillance summary is available here and each week’s report will be accompanied by an infographic.

You can see a fuller explanation of some of the data sources and how and why we carry out this surveillance in our blog