Welcome to the CCW Business Customer Hub

3 Mar 2020 12:32 PM

Welcome to the new CCW Business Customer Hub – a one-stop shop for all the latest news and views from the world of water.

Man having an online chat

Who are we?

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with CCW and what we do, let’s start with a brief introduction. We began life in 2005, originally as the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater). In February 2020 we adopted a new name and look – CCW – the voice for water consumers, but out mission remains the same. We’re here to help consumers resolve complaints against their water company, as well as provide free advice and support on every aspect of water and sewerage services.

Since 2005, we’ve helped more than 400,000 consumers with their complaints and enquiries, securing more than £29 million in financial redress.

Meeting the needs of business

Helping businesses – as well as household customers – has always been a big part of our job. That role took on even more significance from April 2017 when the non-household retail market was launched in England. Suddenly most businesses had the freedom to shop around for a better water deal by switching to a different water retailer.
Finding effective ways to reach business customers who need our help has always been important to us – for this reason, we developed our business group. It now meets twice a year at our Birmingham office. Offering a mixture of presentations, workshops and discussions, the group has proved to be a popular and useful way for business people to come together and share their experiences, knowledge and concerns.

Looking to the future

With an ever-changing market, the content and structure of the group has developed over time, and it will continue to do so to ensure it meet the needs of those who use it. With such a rapidly changing industry, it’s never been more important to provide opportunities for people to share their expertise – and this is where our Business Customer Hub and Business Customer Forum comes in. This is your opportunity to share your knowledge and experience of the retail market, and talk about the issues that matter to you. CCW will be sharing all the latest data, from business news, to market updates and blog posts on industry hot topics – and we want you to do the same.

Is there a topic you want to talk about – maybe you have an idea for a guest blog post? We want to hear from the business community, or those that have an interest and knowledge in the water industry, to share their expertise. If you would like to comment or would be interested in writing a guest blog then please contact Lucy Byrnes lucy.byrnes@ccwater.org.uk or Gráinne Roper grainne.roper@ccwater.org.uk