Welsh NHS Confederation welcomes the Public Accounts Committee's report on the Well-being of Future Generations Act

17 Mar 2021 02:04 PM

Nesta Lloyd-Jones, Assistant Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation responded to the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry report 

“The Welsh NHS Confederation welcomes the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry report* into barriers to implementing the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. We recognise that NHS organisations are on a journey to raising awareness of the Act and to implementing the Act further across their organisations.  

“Since the Act came into force in 2016, NHS organisations have been working in partnership to deliver innovative care models which help to create long-lasting and positive change for current and future generations.

“Whilst NHS organisations are maximising their contributions to the seven well-being goals, they are also delivering against a backdrop of significant pressure on their Emergency Departments and primary and community care services to support people with COVID-19, whilst also treating those with complex needs or long-term conditions.

“This increase in demand means the NHS needs to continue to adapt and focus on innovative and preventative models of care and working in partnership. This will ensure our communities are brought closer together, with early interventions and prevention at the heart of everything we do.

“Both the Welsh NHS Confederation and NHS organisations across Wales provided evidence to support the Committee’s inquiry, and we will continue to work with the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales to ensure the principles of the Act are embedded further in decision-making across the Welsh NHS.”

*Welsh version available here