What would you like to learn?

23 Mar 2017 11:28 AM

Again this year, we’re proud to be celebrating skills development in the workplace by taking part in Learning at Work Week.

Last year, members of the Online Centres Network delivered a series of webinars to teach people a range of new skills and, following the end of the campaign, we were commended in one of Learning at Work Week’s awards categories and won another!

This year, we want to make Learning at Work Week even better! So we’ve put together a very short, three question survey to find out what you think we should do for an even more creative and curious (and hopefully award-winning) campaign.

Whether you’d like to pick up tips on managing a volunteer programme or making the most of social media, or you’d like to teach others more about something you’re great at, let us know so we can make Learning at Work Week work for you!

Take the survey.