20 Sep 2017 12:27 PM

Written complaints made by customers to Wales’ biggest water company have fallen but there is still room for improvement, according to the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater).

Figures published today by the water watchdog, CCWater, show complaints made in writing to Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water fell by almost 8 per cent during 2016/17. Fewer customers also had to pick up the phone to resolve an issue with the company, with ‘unwanted contacts’ falling by almost 4 per cent.

Welsh Water has responded positively to pressure from CCWater to improve its performance after written complaints more than doubled to the company during the previous year.

But it still has more to do to improve its standing as the second worst performing water company in England and Wales for written complaints. And although the company saw a fall in unwanted contacts, it is still one of the industry’s weakest performers on this measure per 10,000 connected properties.

Tom Taylor, CCWater’s Wales Committee Chair, said: “We’ve been encouraged by how Welsh Water has responded to our challenge and those results are starting to bear fruit.”

“It’s a positive start but Welsh Water still compares poorly to the majority of other suppliers, particularly on written complaints, and that needs to change. That’s why we will continue to monitor its performance closely.”

CCWater has praised the performance of Dee Valley Water which was named the best performing water company in England and Wales for written complaints. Complaints made in writing to the company fell by over 35 per cent during the year. There was also a substantial reduction – nearly 42 per cent – in the number of calls it received from customers trying to resolve an issue.

You can read CCWater’s report here

For more information or to arrange an interview please call the CCWater media team on 0121 345 1005.

Notes To Editors