Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

CIPDEmployers need to refresh their approach to people management, policies & practices, to ensure they are in line with the changing age issues reflected in both the Equality Act and abolition of the default retirement age (DRA).  Updated guidance from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Managing Age, will help address the challenges that many organisations face today.
Press release ~ Managing Age: New edition 2011
BISUniversities can now access a new tool to help develop & manage their intellectual assets.  The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has launched a strategy guide called ‘Intellectual Asset Management for Universities’.
The new guide provides advice & information to universities to help them understand how they can best use their institution’s intellectual property (IP). This can be an invention, trade mark, original design or the application of a good idea.  In 2009/10 £84m was generated directly from IP at universities.
Press release & Links ~ Intellectual Asset Management for Universities
Derby City Council Showcase