
APA statement on Hillsborough Inquiries by IPCC and DPP

15 Oct 2012 10:17 AM

APA statement on Hillsborough Inquiries by IPCC and DPP Statement by APA Chair, Cllr Mrs Diana Holl-Allen MBE in response to the news that the IPCC police watchdog and director of public prosecutions have announced they will both launch inquiries into possible crimes committed by police following the tragic events at Hillsborough on 15th April 1989:

"Police authorities welcome this decision and eagerly await the justice that has been denied to those who lost loved ones at Hillsborough for too long. We reaffirm our sincere regrets and sorrow to the families and friends of 'the 96', and thanks to the authors of the Independent Panel who have revealed the truth of what happened at Hillsborough both comprehensively and clearly.

We pay tribute to the persistence of those who fought for this long-awaited outcome and look forward with them to justice being done, and being seen to be done.

The failings of individuals involved in the tragedy of Hillsborough were felt most acutely by those who lost loved ones but they also impacted on the essential element of trust that binds the police and the rest of the public.

Despite the dedication of many, the failings of a few, both on the day and in the ensuing cover up, let down the many who worked to help those involved in Hillsborough's horror, and have shocked us all.

Public trust in the police is a non-negotiable requirement. We share the view of Chief Constables that any police officer found to have broken the law must face the full sanction of the law.

The levels of public trust and confidence in the police have risen substantially but Hillsborough has rightly cast a long shadow over 23 years. Now due process must bring those who have shamed the police and shocked the public to justice swiftly and allow those affected by the events of April 15th 1989 to find some peace after such an appalling long ordeal."

Notes to Editors

  1. Press contact: Nathan Oley, Head of Press and Public Affairs, 07714 399 760 / Nathan.oley@apa.police.uk
  2. The Association of Police Authorities (APA) has represented all police authorities in , and , as well as the British Transport Police Authority, the Civil Nuclear Police Authority, and the Ministry of Defence Police Committee since 1997.
  3. The APA has been commissioned by the Home Office to provide a co-ordination and representation function for all Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and police governance bodies as part of a smooth transition from police authorities to elected Commissioners following the election of PCCs on 15.11.12. This work is being developed by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Transitional Board at the APA.
  4. Local police authorities, along with the Home Secretary and chief officers of police, make up the tripartite relationship which is responsible for the governance of policing in and .
  5. Police authorities are currently made up of local people: a mix of local councillors and independent members (selected from the community) of which one must be a magistrate.
  6. The tripartite partners are the Home Office, the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Association of Police Authorities.
  7. The job of police authorities is to:
    • Consult with local communities to find out what they want the local police to do
    • Set the strategic direction for policing locally and decide what the police should focus their attention on locally, based on consultations with local communities
    • Set the budget for their police force, and decide how much local people should pay for policing in the local council tax
    • Make sure the police force is continuing to do a better job
    • Appoint (and, if necessary, dismiss) chief constables and senior police officers

Nathan Oley|Head of Press and Public Affairs|The APCC Transitional Board, APCC and Association of Police Authorities, APA|07714 399 760 | 3rd Floor, 10 Dean Farrar St, London, SW1H 0DX| www.apccs.police.uk / www.apa.police.uk | @AssocPCCs / @assocpoliceauth

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Police and Crime Commissioners will be elected on November 15th and replace regional Police Authorities outside London on 22.11.12.