
Age UK asks MPs to sign winter deaths pledge

6 Dec 2011 11:33 AM

Age UK has asked MPs to sign a pledge to reduce the number of winter deaths.

Many people believe that the only risk of the winter weather is getting a cold, but in fact the risk is much greater as low temperatures raise blood pressure putting people at greater risk of heart attacks and strokes as well as increasing the likelihood and severity of flu, chest infections and other respiratory problems.

Michelle Mitchell, Charity Director of Age UK commented: 'The cold can and does kill. Behind the dreadful excess winter deaths figures lie deep-seated social issues with over 5 million households in the UK living in fuel poverty alone and one in three older people living in housing that is poorly insulated.

This is why Age UK has launched a campaign today to ask MPs to pledge to help lower the number of winter deaths and reduce of fuel poverty in their own constituency.

Mitchell continued: 'A well targeted fuel poverty programme would help reduce the impact of cold weather on older people and that’s why we are writing to every MP asking them to sign our pledge to reduce the number of excess winter deaths and help stop the devastating effects of fuel poverty.'

Ask your MP to sign Age UK's Winter Pledge

By signing the Winter Pledge, Age UK are asking MPs to commit to:

  • raising awareness of the dangers to health of cold weather and cold homes
  • working with their local Age UK to tackle the cold weather priorities for older people in each constituency
  • challenging energy providers to produce simple tariffs to make it easier for people to lower their bills
  • promoting preventative measures that older people can take before a cold spell
  • encouraging all sectors of the local community (such as the NHS or Local Authority) to make tackling excess winter deaths a priority
  • ensuring that all their constituents are prepared for winter.

Visit www.ageuk.org.uk/reducingwinterdeaths to ask your MP to sign the winter pledge.

Our Spread the Warmth campaign

Too many older people are suffering and dying needlessly in winter because of the effects of cold weather.

Age UK has launched its annual Spread the Warmth campaign. The charity and its local and national partners are aiming to make winter warmer for 360,000 older people by providing information, advice and practical services to help keep warm and well in the colder winter months, helping prevent many being left isolated and alone.

These include getting warm and nutritious meals to older people, helping to keep homes warm, and giving free information and advice 365 days a year.