
AgeUK - Continuing care costs deadline approaching

21 Aug 2012 02:55 PM

The deadline is fast approaching for people who may need an assessment to determine if they were eligible for NHS funding for continuing healthcare between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2011. The deadline for notifying PCTs is the 30 September.

NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC) is a package of health and social care funded solely by the NHS when a person’s need for care is primarily due to their need for healthcare. Not everyone is made aware of this support or they may not have been considered eligible at the time.

This could mean that costs incurred in the past, for example for a care home stay, could be refunded by the NHS. The NHS in the individual’s area can assess if a person should have been receiving continuing healthcare, even if that person has since passed away.

Request an assessment

To request an assessment, contact the relevant Primary Care Trust (PCT) to find the staff member managing the process and to get information about submitting a request. The PCT responsible for the area where the individual was living during the period to be considered should be contacted.

If you're not sure which PCT you have to contact, call NHS Direct on 0845 4647.

Requests can only be made for previously unassessed times where someone believes there is evidence they should have been considered for eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare.


In March 2012, the Department of Health announced deadlines for individuals or their representatives wanting to request an assessment of eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare funding for care between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2012.

The cut-off dates for initiating assessments are:

Time period  Deadline
1 April 2004 - 31 March 2011  30 September 2012
1 April 2011 - 31 March 2012  31 March 2013

More information

Our factsheet on opens link in new window NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing explains:

  • the National Framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care,
  • the process followed when deciding whether an individual is eligible for NHS continuing healthcare,
  • the tools used as part of the process of deciding eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare,
  • options if an individual is unhappy with the eligibility decision reached,
  • the situation prior to the introduction of the National Framework on 1 October 2007.

The information given in this factsheet is applicable in England. Different rules may apply in Wales‚ Northern Ireland and Scotland. Readers in these nations should contact their respective Age UK organisation for information specific to where they live.