
Are romantic sentiments of rural England holding back our upland communities?

15 Apr 2009 10:10 AM

Are romantic sentiments of rural England holding back our upland communities? That was one of several topics discussed by contributors to our second Upland Communities inquiry hearing in Harrogate recently.

Some of those giving evidence to our Inquiry Panel suggested an unrealistic, even nostalgic, view of small upland communities was having an adverse effect on proposals for new development. The example was given of "NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard)" attitudes delaying or even blocking what many consider to be much needed affordable housing in upland communities.

In this 2nd of 6 scheduled hearings being held across every region of England containing uplands, several significant concerns, challenges and potential solutions were raised by over 30 participants contributing evidence to the inquiry.

Read the hearing summary

A summary note of the 1st hearing in Shropshire is already available on our main Uplands Communities page and notes on the hearings in Northumberland, Derbyshire, Devon and Cumbria will follow in the coming days and weeks.

Find out how you can contribute to our inquiry

If you have any queries, please contact the inquiry team at: uplandsinquiry@ruralcommunities.gov.uk