
'Brain-drain' into the UK offered by Studentships and Fellowships

18 Mar 2008 11:54 AM The Science and Technology Facilities Council has offered its usual full quota of studentships and fellowships for the academic years starting in October 2008, continuing its investment in research careers. A significant proportion of its prestigious Advanced Fellowships applicants are from overseas, demonstrating that the UK and STFC remains competitive internationally in the research arena.

Over 500 studentship places have been made available to Universities to offer for postgraduate students studying towards a PhD – half starting in 2008, the other half in 2009. These are provided to University departments supported by STFC grants, to offer to appropriate candidates.

In addition the Council has made offers to eleven individuals of Post-doctoral Fellowships, aimed at early career researchers to provide three years of funding to follow their research programmes. It had been feared that funding for this might be reduced, but the STFC has been able, on the recommendation of its advisory bodies, to preserve funding for this important career phase.

The Council has offered a like number of Advanced Fellowships to some of the brightest and most active researchers in its scientific disciplines. Advanced Fellowships provide funding for five years, allowing individuals to focus exclusively on research. Many of the applicants for these Fellowships are from other countries, including the US, France and Germany illustrating the world-leading work done in the UK.

Professor Jim Hough, Chairman of STFC’s Education, Training and Careers Committee said “The training offered by STFC studentships not only provides the future researchers for astronomy, particle physics and nuclear physics, but also offers the UK economy one of its most valuable resources – skilled people. In addition, the very high standard of competition for both the Postdoctoral and Advanced Fellowships illustrates the vibrancy of the UK scientific community and the opportunities for doing research in this country.”

In addition, one most promising Advanced Fellow will be offered an extra bursary of £50,000, called the Halliday Fellowship. Details of the Fellows will be announced in the coming weeks.

Notes for editors

View details of the studentships awarded.

Postdoctoral and Advanced Fellowships are awarded annually, with a total of up to 12 being awarded in each category each year. In 2008, the value of individual awards is slightly higher, resulting in 11 Fellowships in each category.

Postdoctoral Fellowships are worth £210k over three years, Advanced Fellowships are worth £400k over five years.

The Halliday Fellowship is awarded to one Advanced Fellow, increasing their award by £50k over the five years.

View details of the Fellowship schemes.


  • Julia Maddock
    Press Officer
    Science and Technology Facilities Council
    Tel: +44 (0)1793 442094

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