
Clinical lectureship scheme benefits research staff

24 Nov 2008 04:54 PM

A mid-term review of the Clinical Senior Lectureship Awards (CSLA) scheme shows senior medical school staff are optimistic about the impact the scheme will have on the capacity and sustainability of the clinical academic community.

The CSLA was established in 2005 to build an expert research workforce to support clinical research and education. The awards, funded by HEFCE and the Department of Health, support clinical research staff for five years. In the first three rounds of the scheme, 116 posts have been funded. The fourth round has just been launched with a closing date for applications of 2 February 2009.

The review covered senior medical staff, holders of CSLAs and administrators. The majority of award holders said that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their experience of the scheme so far.

Many of the award holders are already making significant contributions to research and the majority have also been engaged in teaching at various levels. Many commented that they valued the opportunity to balance clinical and academic work and felt the award was helping them to lay the foundations for a successful clinical academic career.

Around 95 per cent said they intend to stay in academic clinical research beyond the five years of the award.

Mid-term review of the Clinical Senior Lectureship Awards scheme

More about the scheme and how to apply for the fourth round