
Cracking the code to cut costs and carbon

21 Feb 2012 12:40 PM
A cutting-edge research project at Cardiff University has developed an innovative software tool to help small Welsh companies become leaner and cleaner by cutting costs and reducing carbon emissions.

The university’s Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC) is launching the free software thanks to research by its European-funded research project SEREN.

The Seren EcoCode software will assist Welsh small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to cut costs and carbon emissions arising from their utilities use, transport operations and waste.

Dr Aleksandra Koj, senior manager at the Seren project, explained how Seren Encode can help companies.

“SMEs may not sufficiently track the costs associated with their utilities, such as water and electricity, let alone quantify their carbon footprint,” said Dr Koj.

“Similarly transport costs and waste produced may go unrecorded and unmanaged.

“Seren EcoCode is a simple way to keep track of this, particularly benefiting smaller companies, as it is not time-consuming to use and so does not require significant staff investment. It only requires information readily available from sources such as utility bills, or data that can easily be monitored by the enterprise, such as the number of waste/recycling bags filled weekly.”

Data is entered through a user-friendly interface and enables the enterprise to easily track costs, both carbon produced and carbon saved, over a period of months and years.

The Seren EcoCode also prints and displays data which can then be used for presentations and dissemination of information.

The tool can also produce a report highlighting how the enterprise can further reduce its carbon footprint, as well as offering a series of hints and tips to help implement these measures.

Dr Koj adds:

“By developing this easy-to-use tool, it is hoped that the GRC’s Seren project will be of direct benefit to Welsh SMEs - not only improving their environmental sustainability, but also helping them to save costs.”

The £8.3 million SEREN project is backed with £4.6 million from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government. It is helping businesses in West Wales and the Valleys to lead the way in developing new technologies and products.

Deputy Minister for European Programmes, Alun Davies, said:

“I am pleased that this EU-backed initiative is helping Welsh businesses to become more energy efficient and, in turn, more competitive. Businesses are benefiting significantly from the EU Structural Funds programmes, with a total investment of some £730m so far. This investment has already assisted 7,650 businesses and helped create over 2,000 new enterprises in Wales and these benefits will increase as projects continue to succeed.”

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