
Extended consultation for Lower Thames flood plan

30 Nov 2009 04:37 PM

The Environment Agency has extended the deadline for responses to its Lower Thames Strategy consultation for a further two weeks, until 18 December.

Responses to the strategy, which aims to reduce the risk of flooding to more than 15,000 homes and businesses along the Lower Thames, will now be accepted until the 18 December, after much interest from local residents and community groups.

More than 2,000 people have attended the public exhibitions held across the Lower Thames area since October to find out what the flood plans mean to them and to make comments that will help finalise the strategy  and residents, groups and business owners are still being urged to register their opinions on the website www.environment-agency.gov.uk/lts.

Innes Jones, Area Manager for the Environment Agency, said: “We have had a fantastic response so far, and it is great to see a large number of local people taking an interest in their community and giving us such valuable feedback. All responses from the community are taken on board and will help to finalise the strategy before we submit it to Defra.

“Each option in the consultation has been assessed against a range of economic, environmental and social factors to ensure the best solution for everyone. I hope that those who have not managed to comment will take this extra opportunity to visit our website, email or put their views in writing and tell us what they think. This strategy will play a major role in addressing the concerns of the thousands of people who live with the risk of flooding.”

Currently 15,000 residential properties within the Lower Thames floodplain from Datchet to Teddington are at risk of flooding from the River Thames in a 1% annual chance event.

The Lower Thames Flood Risk Management Strategy will tackle the risk of flooding to these properties within this area - one of the areas of highest flood risk in England.

The Environment Agency’s recommendations include building three flood diversion channels, improving some existing  river weir structures, providing some localised protection for groups of houses and a range of other ways of managing the floodplain. Members of the public can find out more about the draft Lower Thames Flood Risk Management Strategy by viewing the public consultation documents in public libraries and local authority offices, or on the Lower Thames Strategy webpage.

The strategy is available for consultation online at http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/107478.aspx until 18 December.  Comments sent to lts@environment-agency.gov.uk will also be taken into consideration. Alternatively you can write to the project team at Swift House, Frimley Business Park, Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7SQ.