
Five reasons for regulators to be cheerful

13 Mar 2012 03:18 PM

LBRO is highlighting the importance of the five Priority Regulatory Outcomes as a way of promoting the valuable role local regulators play in their communities.

Priority Regulatory Outcomes (PROs, formerly National Enforcement Priorities) set out what local and central government want to achieve - regulation that supports prosperity and delivers protections.

And LBRO argues that the positive message in the five PROs is one that all local authorities should have regard to, and which they can use to underline the importance of what their regulatory staff do. To help get the message across, it has produced an information sheet to explain their significance for elected council members.

Chief Executive Graham Russell said: "Regulatory officers do not always get the credit they deserve for their critical work in protecting their communities and working with business to encourage economic growth.

"While Priority Regulatory Outcomes are an important focus for delivering national outcomes through local action, they should also serve to remind everyone about how valuable this work is."

PROs ensure regulatory activity focuses on outcomes, not ticking boxes or meeting centrally driven targets. These evidence-based outcomes were drafted by LBRO, working closely with local and national partners, citizens and businesses, and are an important part of the conditions needed for effective local delivery.

The five Priority Regulatory Outcomes

* Support economic growth, especially in small businesses, by ensuring a fair, responsible and competitive trading environment
* Protect the environment for future generations including tackling the threats and impacts of climate change
* Improve quality of life and wellbeing by ensuring clean and safe neighbourhoods
* Help people to live healthier lives by preventing ill health and harm and promoting public health
* Ensure a safe, healthy and sustainable food chain for the benefit of consumers and the rural economy

LBRO has created a step by step guide to the measuring the outcomes and impacts of different regulatory activities to support these priorities: the LBRO Outcomes and Impacts Toolkit.