
Get money-fit with MoneyForce

21 Mar 2014 11:14 AM

The online home of money guidance for UK service personnel and their families is 1 year old.

With the new budget in the news there’s no better time to think about our finances and how we can make the most of them. Many people struggle with good financial planning, but members of the armed forces can experience additional financial difficulties as a direct result of service life.

Factors such as their high mobility, service overseas and deployments can affect credit ratings and impede access to financial services and products, as well as having an impact on the careers of partners and spouses.

Last year, being aware of these issues, worked with the Royal British Legion to devise the MoneyForce programme to help service personnel with all the various financial issues that they face. In its first year the site has had over 64,000 unique visitors. worked with the Royal British Legion to devise the MoneyForce programme to help service personnel with all the various financial issues that they face. In its first year the site has had over 64,000 unique visitors.

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