
IfL response to government’s skills strategy

3 Apr 2013 04:10 PM

Commenting on the publication of the government’s new skills strategy, Rigour and Responsiveness in Skills, the Institute for Learning’s director of professional development, Dr Jean Kelly, said, “IfL wholeheartedly supports the view that every learner should expect to receive high-quality training and education and that all colleges and providers should be supported to become outstanding, as many of the best already are.

“The government’s proposed initiatives to raise standards begin with the premise that high-quality teaching and learning is at the core of a successful training system. It is good to see the influence of IfL’s extensive research and development work in support of the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching and Learning reflected in the government’s report, which refers to the need to develop the dual professionalism of teachers and trainers; and to ensure that industry standard facilities and resources are used to support adult vocational teaching and learning. The extra capital funding announced today will help a number of colleges to ensure that they have up to date facilities in a range of disciplines that can support economic growth.

“The strategy acknowledges the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) in ensuring good and outstanding provision. As the professional body, IfL works to encourage colleges, training providers and employers to work together to support teachers’ and trainers’ CPD and ensure that they have access to industry-standard equipment and training facilities. It is vital for teachers and trainers to stay up to date as experts in their vocational area or subject as well as in teaching and learning methods, for the benefit of learners and in the interests of a competitive economy. IfL’s support for individual members is being developed to include professional training modules, action research, guides and vocational area or subject-specific CPD, with options for accreditation.”