
Jobs for Glasgow

26 Oct 2010 09:30 AM

Vertex is to create a centre of excellence in Glasgow to handle outsourced financial services contracts, supported by £1.7 million Regional Selective Assistance from the Scottish Government.

The project will create 368 new jobs at Atlantic Quay. Recruitment for the first phase of the project will start before the end of the year. In addition, V ertexhas long-term ambitions to bring additional business to the centre.

The new jobs include 200 announced last week by Tesco Bank.

First Minister Alex Salmond said:

"I'm delighted that the Vertex is expanding its operations in Scotland. The creation of 368 new quality finance jobs is great news for Glasgow and a testament to Scotland's reputation for financial services excellence. Vertex has two well-established sites in Forres and Dingwall and the Company's decision to move into Glasgow's thriving International Financial Services District is very welcome.

"I'm pleased that we have been able to support the plan for the Centre of Excellence through an RSA grant of £1.7 million from Scottish Enterprise. The Scottish Government will continue to work with Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development International to deliver jobs and investment across the country."

Paul Sweeny, CEO, Vertex Group said:

"Scotland's enviable track record in the financial services sector is well known. We're delighted that we're able to continue to be part of this success and to contribute to the creation of further roles in Glasgow. Today's announcement not only signals our firm commitment to the city but it also highlights our longer-term ambition to tap into Scottish talent to further expand our centre of excellence."

Anne MacColl, interim chief executive, Scottish Development International, said:

"By providing RSA funding we can proactively encourage both Scottish and international organisations to invest in Scotland, continuing our mission to create new jobs and build a stronger, more globally competitive Scottish economy.

"This is a fantastic jobs boost for Glasgow and it is very encouraging to see an RSA award going towards creating a financial services centre of excellence. Scottish Development International is committed to working with Vertex in the future to further strengthen its presence in Scotland."

Vertex is a leading international business process outsourcing (BPO) company and customer management outsourcer, operating in the UK, North America, Australasia and India and employing approximately 15,000 people. Vertex provides a range of customer management services covering contact centres, the provision of customer insight and data analytics, customer interaction technology and professional services to support the transformation of clients.

Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) is the main national scheme of financial assistance to industry. It provides discretionary grants to investment projects that will create and safeguard employment in areas designated for regional aid under European Community law. Payment of RSA is made in instalments, typically over several years as job and capital expenditure targets are met.