
Mobile Voice and Data Services National Procurement

27 Feb 2014 10:32 AM

We are working on an aggregated national mobile voice and data services procurement under lot 6 of the PSN Services (RM1498) agreement for Mobile Voice and Data Services.

We are seeking interest from public sector organisations who wish to take part in this opportunity to benefit from aggregation of a common requirement for mobile voice and data services. Aggregating demand provides several advantages:

  • It can enable more consistent application of best practice and reduce the procurement costs associated with gathering price and market information. It can also create opportunities for learning through collaboration with other organisations.
  • Aggregation across or within organisations can simplify the tendering process leading to reduced procurement costs for buyers and reduced bidding costs for suppliers.
  • Reduced project management and contract management costs.

The anticipated timescales for the aggregated procurement are:

February-April 2014:

  • Gathering expressions of interest from customers and compiling customer spend and usage data for inclusion into the Invitation to Tender.

May-July 2014:

  • Finalising customer requirements and carrying out the competition.

August 2014 onwards:

  • Award to winning bidder and customers enter into contract.

If you are interested in participating please email the ICT Aggregation team at ICT_Aggregation@ccs.gsi.gov.uk by 26 March 2014 to find out more.