

20 Jun 2007 09:35 AM

The National School of Government has launched a new 360 degree feedback tool for Civil Service leaders designed around the Cabinet Secretary’s new framework of leadership expectations and the requirements of Professional Skills for Government (PSG).

Designed specifically for the Senior Civil Service and its aspirants, SCHOR360 is an online development tool that provides a full analysis of a participant’s performance in five key areas – Strives, Communicates, Helps, Observes and Results. Drawing on self-reporting and the reports of stakeholders, SCHOR360 offers participants an opportunity to test: how others perceive their leadership behaviour in the team; others’ views about how this behaviour translates into results; the match between their own work priorities and others’ expectations; how others perceive their overall behavioural style; and the impact they have on others.

The tool’s author Julian Rizzello of the National School of Government explains: “360-degree feedback is proven to be a very powerful motivation for personal growth. Rather than attempt to measure a leader’s worth against a simple competency model, we have designed SCHOR360 to afford a deeper insight into leaders’ behaviour and its results, enabling participants to gain a clearer understanding of their overall impact.”

The tool is primarily designed for leadership development. It is currently used on National School corporate development programmes and is generating interest from government departments.

In addition to a detailed numerical and graphical report, participants typically receive an insight into how others perceive their leadership style, a ‘survey’ of work areas considered most crucial by their manager and colleagues, and written comments about their leadership impact. SCHOR360 is always supported by a confidential one-to-one coaching interview in which participants are helped to compare others’ perceptions with their own, with all facilitators conducting interviews approved by the National School.

The National School of Government is holding a launch event for the senior civil service development community in Edinburgh on 26 June 2007. For further information contact Lisa Harvey at the National School on 01344 634143; email: louise.shelley@nationalschool.gsi.gov.uk  or visit www.nationalschool.gov.uk/schor360 .

Notes to editors:

1. As the Government’s centre of excellence for learning and development, the National School of Government became a separate government department in January 2007. Under Principal and Chief Executive David Spencer, it strives to ensure the highest professional and academic standards in public service organisational and people development. Visit www.nationalschool.gov.uk  for more information.

2. SCHOR360 is only available through the National School of Government. An indicative charge for a single administration, including a mandatory coaching interview is £450.

For media enquiries, please contact Rob Reynolds, National School of Government; email: rob.reynolds@nationalschool.gsi.gov.uk ; tel 01344 634145; m 07881 518719.