
NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network comments on Nice guidance Smoking cessation in secondary care

28 Nov 2013 10:57 AM
Stephen Dalton, chief executive of the NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network, said:

"We welcome the publication of Smoking cessation in secondary care, which aims to promote not smoking as the norm for people using acute, maternity and mental health secondary care services.

"We recognise the challenge of implementation, but there is a need for a step change in smoking cessation support across primary and secondary care settings to significantly reduce health inequalities. Smoking is a major contributory factor to health inequalities in people with mental health problems.  We know people with severe mental illness die up to 25 years earlier than the general population. We also know that many people with mental health problems would like to stop smoking and, with the right support, they can.

"The report recommends commissioning smoke free secondary care services and for strong leadership to promote stop smoking support - for patients and for staff - to initiate a cultural change within an organisation. Our recent briefing Smoking and mental health identified the good work some of our members are doing in this area.

"A total ban on smoking in the buildings and grounds of secondary care services complements the duty of care on healthcare staff and the organisation to protect the health of people in their care and promote healthy behaviour."