
Public Services SSCs announce partnership agreement for joint working

11 Jul 2007 10:05 AM

Six Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) have today announced their intention to work collaboratively for the delivery of excellence in public services.

Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) has formed an alliance to work with Asset Skills, Government Skills, Skills for Care and Development and Skills for Health.  The intention is to share information openly, and to act collectively when it is less resource intensive or more cost effective than acting individually.


David Hunter, Lifelong Learning Chief Executive stated: “In order to meet the challenge set by Lord Leitch – raising productivity of through developing workforce skills. Public service as well as business and industry has to work smarter - this is an example of this.”


There is plenty of common ground between the participating SSCs, who are all working with employers to make sure the workforce is able to gain and maintain the right skills for the right job.  This supports the findings of the Leitch Review, which highlighted the need for employers to focus on developing the skills of their staff to improve the performance of organisation in the .


The SSCs have developed an action plan to focus on some key areas of work, including sharing the development of strategies, business planning and performance measures and developing policy responses to emerging themes.  Arrangements are in place for the partnership to continue to 2009, when the progress will be reviewed and plans made for the forthcoming years.


The agreement was signed at the summer Network Council meeting of SSC Chief Executives, which was held in York on 10 and 11 July 2007.


For press enquiries contact Zoe Vipond.

DDI: 020 7936 5741