
Say thanks to your volunteers

17 May 2013 02:38 PM

We all know that the UK online centres network just wouldn't function without the many volunteers who put in their time and effort to make sure that everything gets done.

This June it's time to say thanks to those who contribute and we've got just the way to show them. National Volunteers' Week takes place 1-7 June and UK online centres is offering you the chance to give your volunteers some valuable training opportunities. We've got a range of training webinars from 'Working with others' to 'Debono's Six Hats Technique', all specially designed to help volunteers get the most out of their time and all completely free for the week!

Every volunteer registered on a webinar for Volunteers' Week will also be entered into a prize draw to win £50 Amazon vouchers so your volunteer could receive an extra-special thanks this Volunteers' Week.

Take a look at the opportunities on offer now

twitter-bird-light-bgs 25  Don't forget to tell us on Facebook or Twitter how fantastic your volunteers are during #volunteersweek - 1-7June