
Stars back new campaign to drive awareness of dementia

21 Sep 2012 02:46 PM

A new campaign which aims to increase early diagnosis rates for dementia across England by tackling the public’s fears of talking about the condition, has been launched recently by the Department of Health with support from the Alzheimer’s Society.

The A Day to Remember campaign is part of the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia. It will encourage people to have that first ‘difficult conversation’ with a friend or family member when they spot the signs and symptoms of dementia, and encourage them to visit their GP.

New research1 shows:

  • Half of people (50 per cent) say they would find it hard to talk about dementia to a friend or family member they thought might have it;
  • A third (33 per cent) say that personal concerns (such as fear of upsetting someone or feeling awkward or anxious) would discourage them from talking about dementia or memory loss with a friend or relative; and
  • That nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) of people would not be confident telling the difference between the signs of dementia and the normal signs of ageing.

Click here for full press release