
Stepping Forward with our Participation Inquiry Recommendations

15 Jan 2009 12:52 PM

We're delighted to be working with NALC to hold a number of feedback sessions providing updates on the progress made in taking forward the findings and recommendations of our Participation Inquiry.

We made a number of recommendations to government about how rural councillors can be supported to deliver the government’s ambitions of strong local democracy and empowered local decision making. These directly informed the government’s white paper Communities in control: Real people, real power.

NALC's regional Stepping Stones events will also share good practice and provide regional networking opportunities for councillors and officers of all tiers of local government. They'll also  provide an opportunity for newly established local councils and principal authorities to learn more about the work and capabilities of the parish and town council sector.

Visit NALC's website to find out more about the events and to book your place