
Treasure finds at all-time high

31 Oct 2013 07:13 PM
New headline figures, published yesterday, show that last year (2012) saw 998 finds of treasure reported in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the highest number since statistics were first published 5 years ago.

A detailed break-down of the equivalent figures for 2011, also published yesterday, reveals that in that year a massive 92 per cent of all treasure finds were by people with metal detectors.

Welcoming the figures, Heritage Minister Ed Vaizey said:

There’s something essentially mysterious and exciting about buried treasure, and I’m delighted that each year reveals still more finds. These items help us get a fuller picture of how life was lived centuries ago, and add enormously to our rich and varied cultural heritage. I also salute all the responsible metal detectorists – true heritage heroes - whose patience and unceasing curiosity do so much to bring this treasure to light.