WGPlus (Archive)

Constant threat is the new norm for digital organisations; even charities!

Britain’s businesses are being urged to better protect themselves from cyber criminals after government research into cyber security found two thirds of large businesses experienced a cyber breach or attack in the past year.

The research also shows that in some cases the cost of cyber breaches & attacks to business reached £ms, but the most common attacks detected involved viruses, spyware or malware that could have been prevented using the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme.

The Cyber Security Breaches Survey found that while 1 in 4 large firms experiencing a breach did so at least once a month, only half of all firms have taken any recommended actions to identify & address vulnerabilities.  Even fewer, about a third of all firms, had formal written cyber security policies and only 10% had an incident management plan in place.

The Government is encouraging all firms to take action: the 10 Steps to Cyber Security provides advice to large businesses, and the Cyber Essentials scheme is available to all UK firms.  The Government is also creating a new National Cyber Security Centre offering industry a ‘one-stop-shop’ for cyber security support.

A new national cyber security strategy will also be published later in 2016 setting out the Government’s plans to improve cyber security for Government, businesses & consumers.

Researched Links:

DCMS:  Two thirds of large UK businesses hit by cyber breach or attack in past year

Ensuring the safety of the UK

Ministry of Defence Implementation of Cyber Essentials Scheme

Top UK firms urged to get a cyber ‘health check’ (includes link to 10 Steps to Cyber Security)

Charity Commission:   Charities remain at risk of online extortion demands - Lizard Squad

The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy