General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

ONS:  UK Trade, November 2015 – (ONS:  Index of Production, November 2015 ~ ONS:  Output in the Construction Industry - November 2015 ~ EU Government Deficit and Debt Return including Maastricht Supplementary Data Tables, Quarter 3 (July to Sep) 2015)

NAO:  Contracted-out health & disability assessments

NAO:  Local welfare provision ~ LGA:  Councils respond to reports on local welfare safety net

NAO:  Use of consultants and temporary staff

Audit Scotland:  Councils need to up the pace of improving the management of their capital investment

Wales Audit Office:  2014-15 Local Government Accounts

PC&PE:  Clarity needed on effect of key elements of Immigration Bill

PC&PE:  Water regulator must act to secure better deal for customers ~ CCW:  Public Accounts Committee report echoes CCWater concerns ~ Ofwat response to the Public Accounts Committee report on economic regulation of the water sector)

Home Office:  Social network analysis - How to guide

GDS:  Discovering user profiles

Adam Smith Inst: New paper reveals where London’s Green Belt must be built on to curtail housing crisis – (ASI:  BoE must abandon inflation targeting to avoid another banking crisis, says new report)

IEA:  Chief Medical Officer is scaremongering with new alcohol advice – (IEA:  Sugar taxes defy basic economics, argues new report)

NIESR: January 2016 GDP estimates – (NIESR comments on Bank of England’s interest rate decision)

JRF:  Almost half face inadequate retirement income due to high cost of essentials ~ FCA publishes latest Retirement Income Market Data

ScotGov:  Homelessness & Housing Options Statistics Published – (ScotGov:  Homelessness falls ~ ScotGov:  Economic growth sustained ~ ScotGov:  Scottish economy grows 0.1%)

Patients Association:  New report highlights ‘worrying trends’ in the care of the elderly

The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy