WGPlus (Archive)

It’s not how long one lives, but how ‘Well’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set targets for a 25% reduction in early deaths from common long-term conditions between 2010 & 2025. The Richmond Group-funded study forecasts that without action the UK will miss this target, but that coordinated action could save lives above & beyond the WHO target and prevent a total of 1.12m years lived with disability (YLD) by 2025.

The authors of the study identified 12 potential national policy interventions that could help significantly reduce both deaths & disability caused by the most prevalent long-term health conditions – including coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease, arthritis and dementia – by addressing the key preventable health risks of smoking, harmful alcohol consumption, poor diet and physical inactivity.

Researched Links:

Diabetes UK:  250,000 people will die from preventable conditions by 2025

We desperately need to take action

Trouble is many of us stopped living healthily in middle-age!

A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison (Francis Bacon)

Many are also still trying to raise a family and pay off a mortgage as well

Make children exercise at school?

Making it easier to eat healthily

‘Side effects’ of diabetes can be life-threatening

Dramatic reduction in smoking rates revealed in new survey

New strategy to tackle inactivity

People in prison should receive the same level of care as those outside, says NICE

Civitas:  Future of the NHS depends on greater personal responsibility

Action to tackle cardiovascular disease in deprived communities to be extended across Wales

Exercise not acupuncture for people with low back pain says NICE in draft guidance

Thousands to benefit as first wave of NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme national rollout is announced

LGA:  Premature deaths: more people need to take up grassroots sports to live longer, say councils

Middle-aged men rate their health as more important than their money or career

New TUC guidance on well-being at work

Revamped guidance on physical activity launched

How Lambeth Council undertakes effective know your citizen (KYC) / ID checks to prevent fraud