Legislation / Legal (Archive)

IPCC investigation resumes as former West Midlands PC jailed - (IPCC investigation after man sustained serious injuries in Bedfordshire ~ IPCC:  Metropolitan Police service to refer 5 officers in relation to Operation Midland ~ IPCC:  Investigation into arrest of man during Chinese Presidential Visit ~ IPCC investigating a fatal police shooting in Luton)

HMIC:  Lancashire Police custody – disappointing

MoJ:  Women in the legal industry

BEIS:  Government agrees to extend legal protections for whistleblowers in children’s social care sector

HMRC:  Taskforce launches criminal & civil investigations into Panama Papers

ScotGov:  Moving forward on stop & search – (Scottish Government will intervene in Article 50 legal case)

WAG:  Landmark Bill to boost the nation’s health introduced

Law Commission: Pension Funds & Social Investment: Call for Evidence

Land Registry:  Reply to more requisitions online

Legal Aid Agency:  Crime news - campaign to boost use of free witness support service – (Legal Aid agency - Crime news - Make the most of our emailing service for rep orders)

EHRC expresses disappointment over spare room Supreme Court ruling

CMA secures better cloud storage deals – (CMA warns online sellers about price-fixing ~ CMA protects prices for mental healthcare services)

FCA unveils successful sandbox firms on the second anniversary of Project Innovate – (FCA:  Statement on the Financial Conduct Authority’s review of Royal Bank of Scotland’s treatment of customers referred to its Global Restructuring Group ~ techUK:  FCA Help Move Open Banking Proposals to Implementation)

FRC publishes consultation on procedures for de-registration of third country auditors – (FRC welcomes the Hampton/Alexander report ~ Proposals by the Hampton-Alexander Review ~ FRC: Deloitte LLP and John Clennett fined for Misconduct in relation to Aero Inventory Plc)

Ofgem accepts binding commitments from SSE to improve services needed for competitors to connect customers to its distribution network

NCA:  Operation Pallial - Former police superintendent sentenced to 12 years in prison – (NCA:  Orange juice drugs plot pulped)

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide