Policy Statements and Initiatives (Archive)

FCO:  Statement of support for a Government of National Accord in Libya – (Minister for Europe meets Georgian Foreign Minister for ‘Wardrop’ dialogue in London ~ FS opens the Global African Investment Summit ~ Lord Maude & Shahbaz Sharif host forum to build trade ties between UK & Pakistan ~ FCO:  Advanced Manufacturing & Innovation Conference, Bengaluru ~ Winter sports: a third left on thin ice without appropriate insurance)

DIFD:  Three more countries pledge to join Africa’s solar revolution – (DIFD:  Ensuring people with disabilities are not invisible)

10DS:  CHOGM 2015: PM announces package of support for small island developing states to tackle climate change – (PM speech to the COP21 summit in Paris ~ 10DS:  PM meeting with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk: 29 November 2015 ~ 10DS:  UK joins new international clean energy initiative ~ 10DS:  PM's opening statement to Commons debate on military action in Syria ~ 10DS:  PM call with Angela Merkel: 3 December 2015 ~ 10DS:  Her Majesty's Government: December 2015 ~ Bulgaria visit: PM press conference)

HMT:  Funding for Lending Scheme extended - support for banking competition – (HMT:  Chancellor launches game-changing plan for families & firms ~ HMT:  UK ratifies articles of agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) ~ Chancellor extends Lloyds trading plan)

Cabinet Office:  New funding for Community Organisers announced – (Cabinet Office & Pears Foundation announce successful Youth Social Action Fund applicants ~ CO:  Government looks to expand creative agency supplier base)

DfT:  HS2 route from Birmingham to Crewe to open 6 years early - Chancellor confirms – (DfT:  New THINK! campaign to target those who still think it’s okay to have a couple of drinks before they get behind the wheel ~ DfT;  New regional air routes offer fast journeys across UK and Europe ~ DfT:  UK government pledges bold ambition for electric cars ~ DfT:  Transport Secretary pledges to build a new transport legacy for Wales)

DfE:  Record number of pupils in 'good' or 'outstanding' schools – (DfE:  Children in care can achieve & succeed ~ DfE:  Sam Gyimah - where next for careers education & guidance? ~ DfE:  Hundreds of schools benefit from £3m mental health investment ~ Support for families is at the heart of our agenda)

DH:  Rabies in France, update December 2015

Home Office:  Launch of US Global Entry Service to British citizens – (Home Secretary celebrates 100 years of women police officers)

DCMS:  Manchester wins £10m prize to become world leader in ‘smart city’ technology

CLG:  Launch of review into Council Tax support

DWP:  Helping young people benefit from the rewards of work

ScotGov:  Innovation focus at Island Group – (ScotGov:  Festive food shopping ~ Scotland to work with UN on Syria peace initiative ~ Scottish Water to remain in public hands ~ ScotGov:  Council Tax Reduction for over half a million Scots ~ ScotGov:  BBC shake-up could deliver major economic boost ~ ScotGov:  Teacher time guarantee ~ ScotGov:  Empowering disabled people ~ ScotGov:  Getting it right for children in care ~ Launched at a very ‘sensitive’ time ~ ScotGov:  Developing the early years workforce ~ ScotGov:  Modernising local fisheries management)

WAG:  Metro Project ‘huge opportunity for Wales’ says transport industry – (WAG:  Revolutionary new law to increase donor rates comes into force in Wales ~ WAG:  Minister to highlight pioneering Welsh approach to tackling climate change in Paris ~ WAG:  Cross-party support for a long-lasting fair funding agreement welcomed ~ WAG:  Seren Conference shines a light on supporting Wales’ brightest students ~ WAG:  £2m boost for Welsh SMEs to develop tailor made solutions for challenges facing the public sector)

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?