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8-10 Dean Park Crescent


Dorset BH1 1HL

Tel: +44 (0)1202 55 55 33




LMS markets systems for lean process design and implementation.  LMS’ Work Management Suite was initially born out of a collaboration with Cisco to make its marketing services Leaner, so that they could provide a personal service to tens of thousands of business partners rather than just a few hundred.  The system was a huge success – increasing Cisco’s productivity by more than 15,000%!  More recently we have added blue-chip clients such as Adobe and Xerox.  Since then, we expanded out of lean service for marketing organisations into local government to provide a Digital by Default platform par-excellence!

Today, LMS provides a generic Work Management System that caters for all aspiring Lean service operations, especially local governments. Using this tool, you can reduce transaction costs from tens of pounds to tens of pennies, and improve service at the same time!

Work Management System (WMS)

At the core of the Work Management Suite is Work Management System (WMS).  WMS is a complete, web-based Lean process design and implementation tool.  You can use the design tool to brainstorm, document and share ideas.  Process designs are self-documenting to simplify the standardisation, communication and implementation of best practice.  Once you’re happy with your processes, you can approve them, and then cut them live so that they live and breathe inside your organization. Users are guided through tasks and hand-held along the way by a text and/or video-based “Just In Time” training system.

WMS provides you with “a process to manage process”.  Even though your processes change over time, the process for managing those processes is standardised, so that once you’ve adopted the tool, little or no change management is required. This simplifies Business Process Re-Engineering and Change Management into an almost trivial task, saving time, cost, and stress!

WMS is unlike other workflow tools because it works on an SLA-based paradigm, rather than a queue-based paradigm.  As well as working standalone on the web, WMS can fit in with how you work by integrating into Outlook, and rescheduling tasks to fit around your non-process work.  If users change work such that an SLA is breached, the system automatically escalates and manages expectations, providing visibility of what’s happening, and the tools to get things back on track.

WMS is a truly LEAN tool, its features support the key Lean process paradigms such as “Kaizen” (continuous improvement | good change), “Heijunka” (Level the workload) by eliminating “Mura” (uneven work).  It improves flow by supporting “Kanban” (work flows at the pull of the customer or the worker), so reducing “Muri” (overburden and stress), and much more.  Tools to turn all these lean concepts into reality are included in the suite.

WMS also enables you to turn your processes into a fully-featured “Digital by Default” platform for customers and residents.  You can automatically expose the public-facing parts of your processes in a public “storefront”, where users can find the service they want, either by search or going through triage, and then kicking off a process which can be tracked and managed to final delivery of service.  Processes can interact and exchange information, so if you need to hand-off from one department to another, you don’t need to ask for the customer’s information all over again. 

New to Lean? Don’t worry, we can provide consultancy, training and implementation support.  However, the system is entirely self-documenting and self-teaching. Every feature comes with full video training and most power users need little or no support after their initial training.  Storefront users need no training at all (as you’d expect).

If you’re still reading – you should get in touch!  But if you’re an information junkie, here’s a little taster of some of the system features.


  •          Process Design
    •    Easy flow-chart style drawing and modelling of your processes. Visualise your process and improve flow through better design.
    •    Simultaneously creates self-documenting processes and “Just In Time Training” (JITT).
    •    Collaborate - easily share process designs and swap best practice.
    •    Define service levels and measure performance against them.
    •    Define forms and data models to make your processes come alive.
    •    Preview mode lets you play out your processes in a secure sandbox to see how they flow.
  •          Process implementation
    •    Turn your approved process flows into web-enabled applications automatically – Jidoka!
    •    Embed processes anywhere.  Manage everything from Digital by Default triage wizards to enterprise wide, cross-departmental processes – Standardize!
    •    Simple and seamless process improvement - Kaizen!
    •    Full outlook integration, via Exchange or Office 365, and traffic manager tools to help visualize and level the workload - Heijunka!
    •    Use reports to measure waste and create inspiration for process improvement – minimize Muda!
    •    100% visibility – visualize processes, performance, and opportunities for improvement.
    •    100% Lean!
  •          Extensible platform: Add integrated modules as you need them, including:
    •    eLearning & skills management – Total Skills Control!
    •    Emailing, Response management and Asset Management – Total communications Control!
    •    Digital by Default – a public-facing “storefront” of local government services that guide users through even the most complex processes, and by providing clear visibility and pro-active escalations, massively reduces failure-demand and so reduces stress on your contact centres.
    •    Etc.

Get in Touch!

WMS is much cheaper than you’d expect for such a powerful and mature system.  In fact, for a limited time we’re offering the system FREE for the first year[1] to local government implementations that turn into a case study. 01202 55.55.33.





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Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide