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EnviroCentre Limited
Craighall Business Park
8 Eagle Street

G4 9XA

Tel: +44 0141 341 5040



EnviroCentre is a solutions orientated consultancy with a proven track record in providing innovative, effective and valuable advice.

We focus on our quality and on creating strong client relations and business partnerships which enhance established operations, ensure regulatory compliance and enable new development plans. Our client focused approach builds trust and the confidence needed to allow the application of innovation and problem solving.

The majority of our work is commissioned by an array of public and private sector clients in support of the following:

  • Ports & Harbour Operations & Developments;

  • Energy Development & Supply;

  • Construction Related Activities;
  • Environmental Protection & Regulatory Compliance;

Testament to our quality is the profile of our projects and the high ratio of repeat business from our client and partnership networks.

We provide the following services: 

Ecological Surveying & Enhancement

Environmental Impact Assessment 

Contaminated Land & Sediments

Water Management & Engineering

Although we work in the above distinct areas much of our innovation and discernible value comes through the interaction between our disciplines. Our ability to establish and deploy specialist multi skilled teams, working towards a common objective, is core to our service.

Water Management & Engineering

EnviroCentre has a team of qualified water specialists including hydrologists, geomorphologists, hydraulic modellers, engineers and GIS analysts who deliver a wide range of water-related services from surveying and data collection through analysis and assessment to engineering design.

Our extensive experience covers a wide range of projects to manage and improve the water environment (including open water, rivers, wetlands, groundwater, coastal and marine) and drainage systems.

Key water management services include:

  • Flood risk assessment - fluvial, coastal and urban

  • Computational modelling: 1D, 2D and 3D hydrodynamic flow, sediment transport & water quality
  • Hydrology and hydrogeology
  • Geomorphology and river restoration
  • Hydro-ecology
  • Water quality, Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW)
  • Hydrometric monitoring
  • Controlled Activities Regulations (CAR) licence applications
  • Wetland assessment (e.g. peatland and Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems - GWDTE)
  • Climate change, carbon balance assessment and meteorology

Key civil and environmental engineering services include

  • River and coastal engineering and restoration design

  • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design and drainage impact assessment (DIA)

  • Landfill design, assessment, monitoring and regulatory compliance
  • Fish pass feasibility and design
  • Hydropower scheme feasibility, assessment and design
  • AutoCAD and LSS design drawings
  • Contract management and construction supervision


Environmental Impact Assessment 

Our EIA team is comprised of specialists who together provide an integrated multi-disciplinary service in support of our clients development aspirations, whether the need is for planning consent, licensing or permitting requirements. Our services include the following:  

  • All aspects of EIA from screening to Environmental Statement (ES);

  • Noise monitoring and assessment;

  • Air quality monitoring modelling & assessment;

  • Pollution Prevention Control (PPC) permitting;

  • BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) Assessor;

  • Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP);

  • Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW);

  • Specialist all media environmental monitoring, including real time systems

  • Industrial compliance monitoring, including landfill monitoring and management; and

  • Resource efficiency audits and advice

    On EIA our team are experts at managing the EIA process and compiling the resulting Environmental Statement (ES). We are most effective at supporting the environmental planning process when part of the development design team.  In this role we’re able to provide strategic input to help our clients avoid potentially significant environmental constraints whilst helping to protect the environment. Our EIA team has been successful at managing the EIA’s for developments in a range of sectors, including energy & renewables, residential, infrastructure, retail, healthcare and ports/ harbours. 

    We benefit from having specialist in-house assessors who work together to evaluate the range of topics covered by EIA, such as ecology, hydrology (including flood risk), land quality, air quality and environmental noise. We have a trusted network of co-consultants for certain specialist topics, such as Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Archaeology. In combination with the experience and skill of our EIA project managers, our team are able to undertake EIA in a holistic manner, with knowledge of each topic and ability to assess the complex interactions between topics, as part of the cumulative assessment. 

    We routinely support our clients to implement the schedule of mitigation and comply with planning/license conditions through our team of Environmental and Ecological Clerk of Works who are members of AEECOW.

Contaminated Land & Sediments

It is estimated that there is in excess of 300,000 hectares of land in the UK affected by either industrial or natural contamination. EnviroCentre leads in assessing these contamination issues in conjunction with sustainable redevelopment of brownfield land to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

EnviroCentre has a team of in-house specialists who can provide comprehensive contaminated land and sediment services. The team incorporates highly qualified personnel covering a range of disciplines including environmental chemistry, marine surveying, geology, environmental sampling and civil engineering. We have significant experience in assessing and remediating contamination issues regardless of project size or complexity.

Core services in contamination assessment and clean-up include:

  • Desktop investigation, Phase I

  • Intrusive investigation, Phase II

  • Remedial design & implementation, Phase III

  • Due diligence & acquisition liability assessment

  • Fluvial & marine sediment assessment/management

  • Land quality appraisal & costing (abnormals)

  • Potable water service supply assessments

  • Mine water leachate remediation


Our ecology team is comprised of specialist staff who can provide comprehensive ecology support tailored to your needs. Our clients require accurate baseline data input to project design in order to secure planning or licence consent, and onsite support during construction.

 The team incorporates highly qualified and experienced personnel covering a range of disciplines. We have extensive experience in assessing ecological sensitivities and providing appropriate ecological support, regardless of project size, stage or complexity. We also have capacity to undertake research and develop innovative solutions to address particular problems.

 The majority of our team are members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) as well as a range of other professional bodies. 

The services we undertake include:


  • Phase 1 Habitat and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveying

  • Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem (GWDTE) assessment

  • Habitat mitigation, enhancement and management plans

Protected and Priority Species

  • Surveys, including: badger, bats, otter, red squirrel, water vole, wildcat, pine marten, great crested newts and freshwater pearl mussel

  • Invertebrate surveys

  • Species protection, mitigation and enhancement plans

  • European Protected Species, badger, red squirrel and freshwater pearl mussel licence support

  • Invasive plant/animal species survey and management


  • Breeding (Common Bird Census)

  • Intertidal surveys

  • Winter walk over surveys (Brown and Shepherd)

  • Vantage point surveys

  • Species specific surveys

  • Nesting bird surveys

  • Collision Risk Assessment

  • Bird hazard management


  • BS5837:2012 Tree survey

  • Visual Tree Assessment

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) and Method Statement (AMS)

  • Woodland management planning

Aquatic Ecology

  • Wetland management & hydro-ecological restoration

  • Electro-fishing and fish habitat surveys

  • Fresh water invertebrate surveys

Habitat Management and Ecosystems

  • Ecological impact assessment (EcIA)

  • Ecological Clerks of Works (ECoW)

  • Habitats regulations appraisal/assessment(HRA)

  • River restoration

  • Biodiversity management, including green infrastructure design

  • BREEAM and Code for Sustainable homes ecology assessments






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