Education and Skills Funding Agency
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Being agile: data collections software development

The SFA is taking an agile approach to develop and deliver the data collections systems required for the funding year 2014 to 2015.

Taking an agile project management approach means that there will be a number of smaller teams working in two week bursts of activity, known as sprints. These teams agree what demonstrable outputs they will deliver at the end of each sprint.

Highlights of the initial sprints include:

  • delivery of the online learning aims rates service (LARS)

  • development of the 2014 to 2015 funding year learning aims and rates module for the funding information system (FIS)

Rather than develop a new FIS each year, we will add a new funding year module to the existing system.

The advantage of this new way of working is that measurable improvements are made to each system on a regular basis. The project team is also able to adapt its delivery objectives very quickly to take account of feedback and external requirements.

Representatives from the project team will give updates and demonstrations at the Agency’s provider advisory group meetings in March and April.

We will publish further information on our website.

Mind the skills gap